Local Control Accountability Plan

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three-year plan outlining the District's priorities and vision for students. The LCAP presents the strategies and objectives as well as demonstrates how the budget will support the each of the identified priorities. 
 LCFF Budget Overview for Parents and Local Control and Accountability Plan 2024-25 (LCAP)
LCUSD 2021 - 24 LCAP
ESSER III Expenditure Plan
LCUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (revised)
LCFF Budget Overview for Parents
2019-20 LCAP Annual Update & 2020-21 LCP Annual Update
LCUSD LCAP Executive Summary for 2019-20
2018-2019 LCAP Annual Report
(This document has the report out on the 2018-19 goals and planning for the 2019-20 goals.)
2017-2018 LACOE Approved LCAP Plan
Superintendent’s LCAP Oversight Committee Meeting Overview