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Special Education

Special Education/Section 504 Home

The La Cañada Unified School District is committed to supporting the needs of students with disabilities and provides a variety of services and supports for eligible students.  
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Students who demonstrate a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities may be eligible for a Section 504 Service Plan.  A Section 504 Service Plan provides for reasonable accommodations related to the student's impairment so that the student's needs can be met as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students.  Determinations regarding whether a student qualifies for a Section 504 Service Plan and what that plan consists of are made by the Section 504 team following a Section 504 assessment.  
Special Education
The District provides a continuum of placement and service options to address the individual needs of students who qualify for special education and related services.  Decisions regarding appropriate placement and services are made by each student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) team based on the unique needs of the individual student.  Eligibility for special education is determined by the IEP team following a special education assessment.  
Questions or Concerns
You are encouraged to contact your child's teacher or school administrator if you have any concerns regarding your child's functioning at school.  The District makes a continuous effort through its Student Success Team (SST) process to locate and identify individuals who are suspected of having disabilities.  Additionally, the law allows parents to initiate a request to have their child assessed to determine eligibility under Section 504 and/or special education.  Such requests must be in writing and can be submitted to your child's school administrator.  Procedural safeguards related to special education and Section 504 can be found here.