Teacher Collaboration
Teacher collaboration is a common factor found in all successful and high-performing schools. LCUSD believes that a meaningful and honest partnership between colleagues is essential in the development of quality teachers and improvement of academic achievement. Through collaboration, teachers work together to discuss classroom practices, share successful lessons and strategies and engage in a variety of learning experiences that lead to improved student achievement. Novice teachers benefit from veteran teachers by learning the specifics of curriculum pacing, behavior management, professional obligations and time management and the veteran teachers learn new theories and strategies, renewed enthusiasm for teaching, gain new perspective on practices and reflect on them. By working together each teacher’s knowledge base grows and students benefit from the expertise of other teachers through their own teacher. LCUSD created a Memorandum of Understanding on Teacher Collaboration between the District and La Canada Teachers’ Association starting in 2012-13 and has been implementing it since then. Teacher Collaboration takes place at elementary schools during early release times on select Fridays and at LCHS on select Tuesdays during late start period. The collaboration schedule is provided below.