Proof of Residency

Proof of Residency

Please provide the required documentation from each section below:

Section A

One of the following documents listed below:

  • Deed of Trust
  • Property Tax Bill - dated within the last year
  • Escrow Papers - accepted up to 1 week before closing date
  • Current rental/lease agreement, listing all names of occupants (including children) and
    the name, address, telephone number and signature of landlord/management company


Section B
Three of the documents listed below

All pages must be present and dated within the last 30 days.

  • Southern California Edison
  • SoCal Gas Company
  • Water - La Cañada Irrigation, Liberty Utilities or Valley Water
  • Trash - Allied Waste, Athens, NASA
  • TV/Internet - Charter Spectrum

If utilities are included in your lease agreement, please provide three of the following:
  • Current DMV Car Registration
  • Car Insurance Statement - dated within the past 6 months to 1 year
  • Health Insurance Statement
  • Paycheck Stub
  • Front page of the Federal Income Tax Form
Important note:
If your family just moved to LCUSD, we allow 45 days from the lease start date or the closing escrow date
to provide the first set of utility bills.
Letter of service verification, account opening confirmation,
deposit request, past due/disconnect notices and cell phone bills will not be accepted.
Parents/guardians are responsible for providing ALL required documentation.