COVID-19 » COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 Testing

Who should get tested for COVID-19?  

Children with respiratory virus symptoms should wear a mask, stay home and away from others, and get tested for COVID-19.  If your child tests negative for COVID-19 and continues to have symptoms, they should remain at home and away from others and retest in 2 days.  CDC and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health also recommend testing for close contacts.  Your child should get tested immediately if they were exposed to COVID-19 and have symptoms. If they do not have symptoms, they should test within 3-5 days after last exposure.


People with symptoms of COVID-19 should wear a mask, isolate, and get tested.  Common symptoms include:


  • Fever of 100.4+
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Cough
  • Stuffy nose
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle or body aches 


Symptoms can be identical to cold/flu or allergy symptoms. If your child tests negative using an antigen test but continues having COVID-19 symptoms, they should continue to stay home and away from others and retest in 2 days.  Please do not send your child to school if they are sick.



The LCUSD COVID-19 Compliance Team


Debra Cradduck   

(818) 952-8383 Office 

[email protected] 


Karen Hurley

(818) 952-8391 Office

[email protected]


Melissa Greenwood

(818) 952-8380 Office

[email protected]


Nurse Katie Metz

(818) 825-8553 Cell

[email protected]