Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
To access the full listing of La Cañada Unified's Board Policies and Administrative Regulations online, go to
Gamut Online.
Board Policies of Interest
Click on the Board Bylaws
link to the right to view the following Board Bylaws and Polices:
Questioning and Apprehension of Students on Campus
In November 2012, the La Canada Unified School District Governing Board adopted a revised Board Policy 5145.11 regarding the questioning and apprehending of students on school campuses. Subsequently, the Superintendent adopted corresponding Administrative Regulations. These Administrative Regulations enumerate restrictions to the access of law enforcement officers – as opposed to school officials – to question a student on campus. The Administrative Regulation also delineates the protocols to be followed regarding the notification of a parent or guardian in the questioning or apprehending of both elementary and secondary students. A copy of those regulations and board polices may be downloaded.