Salary Schedules
LCTA (Certificated) Salary Schedule for Teachers and Psychologists 2024-25
Appendix D of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
Appendix D of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
LCTA (Certificated) Salary Schedule for Counselors and District Nurse 2024-25
Appendix D of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
LCTA (Certificated) Salary Schedule for Speech Pathologists 2024-25
Appendix D of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
LCTA (Certificated) Salary Schedule for Special Education Teachers 2024-25
Appendix D of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
LCTA (Certificated) Salary Schedule for Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten Teachers 2024-25
Appendix D of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
LCTA (Certificated) Miscellaneous Rates Schedule 2024-25
This schedule provides the instructional and non-instructional rates for certificated employees and also defines how employees who are providing the services of reading intervention and psychological evaluations shall be paid.
This schedule provides the instructional and non-instructional rates for certificated employees and also defines how employees who are providing the services of reading intervention and psychological evaluations shall be paid.
LCTA (Certificated) ROP/Vocational Hourly Salary Schedule 2024-25
Appendix F2 of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
Appendix F2 of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement
LCTA (Certificated) Summer School & Hourly Rate Schedule 2024-25
Appendix F1 is an hourly rate schedule for certificated employees. Though no longer used to determine summer school pay rate, this schedule is still used to determine the compensation rates for various certificated assignments.
Appendix F1 is an hourly rate schedule for certificated employees. Though no longer used to determine summer school pay rate, this schedule is still used to determine the compensation rates for various certificated assignments.
Extra-Duty/Extra-Pay Stipend Schedule, 2024-25
Appendix B of Certificated Bargaining Agreement
Appendix B of Certificated Bargaining Agreement
CSEA (Classified) Salary Schedule 2024-25
Appendices H & I of the Classified Bargaining Agreement.
CMSA (Certificated) Salary Schedule 2024-25
Salary schedule for certificated employees in the Confidential, Managerial, Supervisory and Administrative (CMSA) Association
CMSA (Classified) Salary Schedule 2024-25
Salary schedule for classified employees in the Confidential, Managerial, Supervisory and Administrative (CMSA) Association