Health Information
Many children return to school before they have fully recovered from illness. Children are also being sent to school ill and coming into the Health Office shortly after the beginning of the day. Each of these actions jeopardizes the health of our school community. Returning to school with active symptoms may not only prolong the illness for the child but also exposes other children to unnecessary illness. Please help keep our school environment as healthy as possible.
Any child displaying signs or symptoms of an untreated communicable disease are generally recognized as contagious and will be excluded from school until signs and symptoms abate. The student may return to school by request of the student's physician.If your child exhibits signs of communicable disease please do not bring them to school.
Before coming to school children must be:
- Fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medications)
- Free from any acute symptoms of illness (Soar throat, productive cough, greennasal discharge or upset stomach)
- Free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
When you are notified that your child is ill please make arrangements to have your child picked up ASAP. Children who spend prolonged hours in the health office are uncomfortable and are exposed to other illness, in addition to exposing other children to their illness.
Please be sure that:
- The school has current phone numbers listed
- The persons listed as emergency contacts are readily accessible
- Arrangements for picking up a sick child can be within 20-30 minutes
Thank you for helping us maintain a healthy learning environment for your children.