Aeries Parent Portal (Annual Registration) » Parent Portal Overview

Parent Portal Overview

Welcome to a new school year! Starting on August 5th, you'll be able to review policies and complete the annual data review.

To complete the back-to-school registration process, plan for about an hour to read documents and update data. If you want to read the documents with your students, you'll find everything needed in the links to the right under the various grade span checklists. Note: the parent portal does not work outside of the US. 

The Aeries Parent Portal offers four important features:

1. View attendance information  
2. Update student demographic data and submit registration documents
3. View student schedules (and teacher placement for 1st-6th grade near the start of school)
4. Check student gradebook information (grades 7-12 only)


Link to the Aeries Parent Portal


New families: You'll receive an email with your parent portal account from [email protected] (check SPAM folders or search your inbox for an email from that account).

The video below walks you through how to complete the registration process.