LCUSD Mathematics » LC Math 2 P - MA5033

LC Math 2 P - MA5033

MA5033 LC Math 2 P
UC/CSU Approved
10 units (2 semesters)

Prerequisite: Recommended Grade of C or higher in LC Math 1 or its equivalent 
Daily Homework: 45 minutes

This is the second course in a common core based college preparatory math sequence. The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend students’ geometric experiences from the middle grades. This course includes standards from the conceptual categories of Geometry and Statistics and Probability. 

In this Geometry course, students explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, presenting and hearing formal mathematical arguments. Important differences exist between this course and the historical approach taken in geometry classes. As an example, transformations are emphasized in this course. Instruction will focus on six key areas: (1) establishing criteria for congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) establishing criteria for similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) informally developing explanations of circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) applying the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plane; (5) prove basic geometric theorems; and (6) extending work with probability. Some of the overarching ideas in the LCM2 course include: (1) the idea of an axiomatic system (e.g., that accepted truths are used to prove other truths), (2) the idea of a viable argument, (3) the idea of definitional thinking, (4) the complementary roles played by synthetic and analytic geometry, and by inductive and deductive reasoning, and (5) the usefulness of Geometry for analyzing the world around us. The Standards for Mathematical Practice will play a prominent role in the course, with students continually developing their ability to reason and argue. Students will solve complex problems, and use tools such as compasses, protractors, and dynamic geometry software.