Professional Development

During the past three years, the primary areas of focus for staff development at LCUSD have been the implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Safety and Security, Technology, and special education. In the 2022-23 school year LCUSD is continuing to focus on SEL, Developmental Assets, and DEI initiatives working with the Search Institute and our DEI subject matter experts.  All trainings have returned to in-person format and presenters work with small groups of teachers (less than 30) to allow for personal interaction and customization of content. The technology integrationists continue to provide individual and small group trainings as well as recorded trainings to the staff to access at their convenience.  Training sessions have been provided in the areas of Project Based Learning, interim (IABs), and formative interim assessments (FIABs). Teachers have utilized some part of the collaboration days to receive trainings in safety and security.  Technology trainings have been provided throughout the school year as well as during the summer. 

During the 2022-2023 school year, the District will continue to provide high-quality training to its special education staff members.  Certificated special education staff members will receive their annual Fall and Spring department trainings focusing on instructional techniques as well as legal compliance.  In particular, the department will be focusing on the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies to assist students within the inclusive setting.  Additionally, periodic trainings will be available for classified staff members focusing on behavior intervention.

Training in the area of Student Engagement and Alternative Assessments was provided by the Challenge Success organization to all teachers on the Buy Back Day. All elementary teachers teaching Social Science also learned about the resources available through the selected publishers.  Using Educator Effectiveness Grant funds, all teachers have been provided with the opportunity to attend trainings/conferences of their choice outside of the district.

LCUSD administrative team is granted a stipend for professional growth activities and has benefited from the opportunity to enroll in advanced-level college courses and Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) academies. The District has provided sexual harassment, DEI, SEL, and Safety and Security trainings for all management-level positions and holds monthly leadership team meetings and principals’ meetings to provide continued support and professional development.